New Jersey Reef Ball Project(s)

Mold Owners

State of New Jersey, Div. of Fish, Game, and Wildlife ( Bill Figley), PO Box 400, Trenton, NJ 08625-0400 acquired 1 Pallet Ball mold system on 01/01/1998, then leased 11 Pallet Ball molds systems on 08/18/1998 for six months, then purchased 12 Pallet Ball mold systems on 02/02/1999. These molds are fully licensed for unlimited use within the State of New Jersey for projects by the New Jersey Division of Fish, Game and Wildlife for non-commercial uses.  As a state agency, they were granted special permission from the Reef Ball Development Group, Ltd to be able accept donations to the artificial reef program to support the Reef Ball production will NOT considered commercial use for purposes of this license. 

Artificial Reef Coordinator for the State

P.O. BOX 418


P.O. BOX 428
HIGHLANDS NJ 07732-0428

Artificial Reef Coordinates for the State

Both the New Jersey Council of Diving Clubs (NJCDC) Reef and the Sea
Gypsies (Club) Reef were built on the Axel Carlson Reef site on August
2, 2000 at latitude-longitude coordinates:

NJCDC Reef:     40 degrees 00.22 minutes
                            74 degrees 00.13 minutes

Sea Gypsies Reef:  40 degrees 00.18 minutes
                                  74 degrees 00.16 minutes

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